In an interview about two weeks back, Pooja Bhatt had said that she had first met Muzamil at the music release party of film "Holiday" where he had "come on someone else's pass". While returning from the event, she thought about casting him in "Dhokha".
But why would a well-established model like Muzamil want to gatecrash into parties seeking a break in films? That's exactly Muzamil thinks too. "I am not a desperate wannabe who needs to do such a thing. And I am hardly seen in the party circuit. "
When he learnt that it was none other than director Pooja who had made the statement the actor remarked: "It's so stupid on Pooja's part to have made such a cheap comment. I had started getting offers for movies on the 12th day of my arrival in Mumbai. But then I was not ready for acting, I wanted to give time to my modeling career. "
He further clarified that it was Pooja who showed willingness to cast him in her movie and hence a meeting was arranged, while it was Mahesh Bhatt who much later decided his lead role in "Dhokha".
"Mr. Bhatt wrote the character after meeting me. I respect him for his intelligence and generosity. He knows exactly how to groom a newcomer. What Pooja said in the interview was cheap, I didn't expect this at all. "
We hope at least now Pooja will learn that not every newcomer is a complete greenhorn. For one, Muzamil has just turned the tables on her. -Jayant Mishra
Saturday, August 18, 2007 15:35 IST