Two years ago, Mallika and Rekha had acted together in director Govind Menon's Bachke Rehna Re Baba, which was a poor rehash of the Hollywood hit ‘Heartbreakers'. The movie proved to be a disaster at the box-office. Not even Mallika's skin show was able to pull the crowd.
But things are different down south.
‘Bachke Rehna Re Baba' has now been dubbed in Telugu under the title Theneteegalu. And it has been fiercely promoted using Mallika's provocative images on the posters. The result has been terrific.
The Telugu version of the film released on August 10 in Andhra Pradesh and it has so far had a very good run at the theatres. The distributors are reportedly pleased with the movie's response and are attributing the major credit for success to Mallika.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007 12:15 IST