Bollywood star Abhishek Bachchan, the brand ambassador of Motorola phones, said at the launch of its new Moto Razr 2 that he did not believe in endorsing a product
unless he used it personally.
"I don't endorse a product if I don't use it personally. My father gifted me a Motorola in 1994 and since then I have been using it. I think as an ambassador if you are lending
your name to a product you must believe in the product and use it," Abhishek, brand ambassador of Motorola, said at the launch function here Thursday evening.
The Razr 2 design is sleek and thin. Apart from music, the other distinctive features of the Rs.20,000 phone are speed, better voice quality, 512MB or 2GB of memory and
HTML browser.
"With Razr 2, Motorola has managed to uphold their desire to improve. I wonder how something so small and so slick can do what this phone does. They have managed to
put the entire world in this 22mm thing," Abhishek said.
"This device takes the world's best-selling feature phone to the next level. Combining groundbreaking new features and an even slimmer exterior than the original icon, the
RAZR2 is capable of giving Indian consumers the ultimate mobile experience," said Raymond J. Roman, Motorola's senior vice president, (worldwide sales).
On the role of a cell phone in one's life, Abhishek said: "In today's time this is much more than just a phone. I can listen to my favourite music on this phone, have my
weekly planner on this, use it as an alarm clock... it literally can run your life for you."
He also compared his career graph with Motorola's. He said: "Motorola entered the Indian market with huge bang and a lot of hype and so did I. But things didn't work out
after that.
"But they came back with a fighting spirit, which I really admire. I enjoyed that spirit and am trying to imbibe it."
Saturday, August 25, 2007 13:33 IST