Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt will Tuesday attend a raksha bandhan function being organised by commercial sex workers in Mumbai, an event his father Sunil Dutt used to attend.
The function, being held since 1984, is organised by People's Health Organisation (PHO). The senior Dutt was president of this body.
Sanjay and his two brothers-in-law Kumar Gaurav and Owen Roncon will attend the programme, PHO Secretary General I.S. Gilada, who treats HIV-positive and AIDS patients, said Monday.
Current PHO president and former Mumbai Sheriff Kiran Shantaram, who is the son of legendary filmmaker late V. Shantaram, will also be present.
"This is an effort to achieve re-socialisation for the sex workers," said Gilada.
"Sanjay Dutt, Kumar Gaurav and Owen Roncon will grace the occasion to resolve carrying on Dutt-saab's legacy of medico-social welfare of sex workers," said Gilada. The programme is to be held at New Roshan Cinema on Falkland Road at 2 p.m.
"The first public figure to lend a helping hand for sex workers was late Sunil Dutt, who was always available for any programme and function in the sex worker's areas and remained PHO president till his death," he said.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007 13:20 IST