Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt, who is currently out on interim bail, Monday got temporary relief for a month as he will get a copy of his court verdict only Sep 27. He is supposed to surrender once he gets the copy.
Dutt, 48, appeared before P.D. Kode, judge at the special anti-terror court here, along with his lawyer Farhana Shah to receive his copy of the verdict, which will now be given to him a month later.
Dutt was sent to jail July 31 after the special TADA (Terrorist and Disruptive Activities) court sentenced him to six years rigorous imprisonment for illegal possession of arms in connection with the 1993 Mumbai bombings. He was moved to Yerawada Jail in Pune Aug 2.
He was granted interim bail by the Supreme Court Aug 20 and was released from jail last week.
The actor is required to mark his attendance before the Central Bureau of Investigation office here every Friday.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007 13:22 IST