Maharastra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh Tuesday denied having revoked the suspension of a police constable accused of hugging and shaking hands with Bollywood
actor Sanjay Dutt just after his release from Pune's Yeravada jail last week.
"I have not issued any orders (revoking the suspension)," Deshmukh told reporters in Aurangabad.
He was responding to a query from scribes who sought to know if he had revoked the suspension of constable Rajendra Kalekar - against whom action was taken by his
deputy and Home Minister R.R. Patil.
Deshmukh said that the action against the constable and eight others who were issued show cause notices was taken as per the jail manual and service rules by the
Inspector General of Prisons Satish Mathur.
Earlier some media reports had said that Kalekar's suspension orders were revoked by the chief minister.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007 16:17 IST