For the third time in a row, film-maker Subhash Ghai has been invited by The International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences to represent India as a juror member for
the final selection of the 35th International Emmy Awards in USA.
Ghai said: "It is a great honour to be on the jury for the International Emmy Awards since the
awards stands purely on merit, and is not ruled by commercial forces and trading favours. I wish we could have such awards with a fool-proof system here in India as
The International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences is the largest organisation of global broadcasters with representatives from 50 countries on its board. It was
chartered in 1969 with a mission to honour and encourage excellence in television programming outside the US through its awards.
This year, the council is
implementing a new method of final judging wherein it will gather top television and film personalities from around the world to participate.
Friday, August 31, 2007 13:19 IST