Veteran actress Neelima Azeem who very recently made a grand comeback in the Star weekly 'Aek Chhabi Hai Padoss Mein' is very much in love with her role and the show. But the only thing allegedly troubling her at the moment is the attitude of her younger co- star Suhasi Goradia.
A source from the sets on the condition of anonymity states, "Neelima ji admitted to how she is appalled by Suhasi's behaviour.
She is quite troubled by Suhasi's highhanded and 'I know all' attitude, something which is hardly expected out of a new comer. She is a veteran actor and but naturally, she expects respectful treatment. The two of them don't get along at all"
Apparently Neelima Azeem is keeping her cool because she doesn't want the environment on the sets to get spoiled because of issues which arise out of a certain someone's pettiness.
Adds the source,"Keeping the interests of the show in mind, Neelima ji is not saying anything. She is a respectful lady and would be the last person in the world to want a showdown. She is keeping mum and not doing anything that could harm the interests of the show.
As for Suhasi, she is known to behave a bit strangely. Maybe she feels she is a star herself and she doesn't need to give more respect to Neelima ji just because she is older, experienced or mom to Bollywood superstar Shahid Kapur."
As expected when Neelima Azeem was asked about this, she gave a diplomatic reply. "There are no problems as such for me. On the sets, I have people of my age too and everything is going on smoothly. As far as Suhasi is concerned, she is doing her job and I am doing my part".
When we got in touch with Suhasi Goradia to know her side of the story, she chose to say nothing. We asked her to clear her stand but she preferred to dodge the query.
"I need some time to answer these questions. I will call you back. You don't need to call, I will do so". And as anticipated that call never came. Looks like Suhasi didn't realize that her 'silence' was enough for us to get our answers.
Thursday, September 06, 2007 13:13 IST