Spurred on by the success John Travolta's drag act in the new summer comedy block-buster Hairspray a
number of Bollywood directors are planning to put their leading men into ladies' clothes.
One of the first units to incorporate a long drag act is Shashi Ranjan's Dhoom Dhadaka currently shooting in
A longish drag act featuring the two leading men Sammir Dattani and Shaad Randhawa posing as girls along
with Shama Sikandar and Aarti Chabria was incorporated into the plot.
Shaad Randhawa who's done WohLamhe and Awarapan for the Bhatts, says he was uncomfortable when he
was asked to get into women's clothes.
"It felt funny to begin with. Obviously I had never done it before," says the young actor "After my colleague
Sammir and I got into those women's clothes we just kept looking at each other and wondering what we were
doing. Once we got a hang of it it was fine, and even fun.
Both Sammir and I realized that as actors
we'd be required to do many things that we aren't familiar or even comfortable with. That's what acting is. In
WohLamhe I had to abuse Kangana physically and verbally I'd go up and apologize to her after every shot."
After WohLamhe Shaad didn't want to get typecast as a villain. The Bhatts gave him a choice of either playing
Emran Hashmi's friend or the junkie villain (played by Purba Kohli) in Awarapan.
Shaad opted for the more sympathetic role. Now this nephew of the legendary Mumtaz has gone into comedy
in Dhoom Dhadaka.
"My aunt offered to take me around to introduce me to producers in Mumbai. But I knew in the long run that
wouldn't help me at all. I wanted to do it on my own," says Shaad whose father, once a professional wrestler,
is the brother of the mythic Dara Singh.
"I grew up in an environment of aggression. But somehow I'm more a philosopher at heart than a warrior,"
Shaad ends shyly, and promises to remain loyal to the Bhatts.
"They gave me my first and second break. I can't let them down."
We shall see.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007 16:19 IST