It seems like a pinch of his new found fame has gone to Rohit Roy's head. The tele actor turned Bollywood star had a huge showdown with Dia Mirza in Goa where the two were relaxing after a hectic shooting shedule.
According to insiders, Dia was relaxing in the swimming pool at the hotel where she was staying along with the rest of the cast when Rohit joined her.
As she was getting out of the pool, Rohit swam up to her from behind and pinched her bottom. The actress, shocked, left the pool in tears. The next day, Rohit behaved as if nothing had happened.
But Dia refused to speak to the actor and demanded that he apologize for his indecent behaviour. To make matters worse Rohit denied any such incident and claimed that he saw nothing in Dia that would prompt him to make advances at her.
Dia was extremely upset with Rohit's behavior and his attitude, but later the rest of the cast intervened and made Rohit apologise. When contacted, Dia did not wish to discuss the details.
All I can say is that such issues need to be handled with maturity, she said and reportedly refused to take the matter further as she did not wish to hurt Manasi.
Rohit, dismissed the whole thing as a ‘misunderstanding'. Such misunderstandings happen on every set. It was sorted out that very minute. There is no truth in the accusation. Moreover, no one asked me to apologise, he said.
Saturday, September 15, 2007 11:53 IST