More than three years after her debut in Pooja Bhatt's ‘Paap', Udita Goswami is still to speak for herself. In her
next two movies, ‘Zeher' and ‘Aksar' she was dubbed by someone else and the same goes for her latest
release ‘Aggar'.
Dubbing artiste Neeti Mathur has done the honours for Udita this time around. "This is the second time that I
have dubbed for Udita Goswami.
‘Aksar' was her last release which I dubbed for and now her latest
film also features my voice," exclaims Mathur who has earlier dubbed for Rimi Sen in ‘Deewane Hue Pagal' and
‘Phir Hera Pheri', Nauheed Cyrusi in ‘Anwar' and newcomer Vipasha Agarwal in ‘I See You' as well a host of
popular TV shows like ‘Kaisa Yeh Pyaar Hain' and ‘Kahiin To Hoga'.
And interestingly it took just two days for the seasoned Mathur to dub for Udita.
"It's because I kind of got used to Udita's voice. ‘Aksar' took me five days because there were a lot of overtly
emotional scenes, screaming scenes and all that. But here it was more of a plain character"
So much so that, Udita's beau Mohit Suri too admitted to having not been able to make out that it was not
Udita talking in ‘Aggar.'
"Yeah it's a nice feeling when your voice actually goes with the actor so much," adds Mathur.
The voice really rocks, but for Udita it's a downhill ride. She has lost all the freshness which was there during
her ‘Paap' days and has sadly not done anything about her voice either.
Unless she quickly polishes
that voice and her acting skills, she will continue holding a subsidiary position in the industry. Had only the
Mohit Suri connection mattered, things would have been different for Udita by now!
-Sneha Hazarika
Saturday, September 22, 2007 11:22 IST