Salman Khan, known for playing a tough guy in his films, has been branded a "non-believer" and ordered to reaffirm his faith in Islam after
participating in a festival honouring Lord Ganesh in Mumbai on Tuesday.
The order came from scholars at the influential Daarul-Ifta Manzare school in northern Uttar Pradesh state, which claims hundreds of
thousands of followers among India's approximately 140 million Muslims.
"Be it a pauper or a king, everyone has to follow the dictates of Islam -- nobody has been given the exemption to bypass the tenants
of the religion," religious scholar Nafeez Khan told.
The 41-year-old actor must reaffirm his faith before an imam and two witnesses, the cleric said, describing the religious decree as
"right and appropriate."
Monday, September 24, 2007 15:46 IST