There's a story behind how Anupam Kher got young writer Neeraj Pandey to part with the script for Dosti Badi Cheez Hai, the film that Anupam will be directing this January in collaboration with UTV.
Apparently Pandey was very keen to direct the film himself.
While Pandey was directing Anupam for Wednesday Anupma heard the story.
"Bas, mera dil aa gaya. I wouldn't let Neeraj be until he gave it to me. Throughout the making of Wednesday I badgered Neeraj until he finally relented," Laugha Anupam.
Dosti Badi Cheez Hai is, according to Anupam, "An extremely fresh youthful look at friendship and bonding in today's context. The fact that me and Satish Kaushik who are co-producing this film have been friends for more than four decades makes the script very very precious to me."
Tuesday, September 25, 2007 15:07 IST