After a RJ on Red FM, Delhi, summed up Indian Idol winner Prashant Tamang's victory in the words 'From Chowkidar to Singer', a large section of Tamang's supporters protested loudly. To clear the air, Red FM offered an apology on air on September 28.
The spokesperson for the channel said that RJs and their programmes are known for the humour and satire that people enjoy, and their shows are extremely popular. However, there has never been any malicious intent to hurt someone, he claims.
Red FM has been supportive of Prashant Tamang throughout, and the aim of the channel is to proactively encourage hidden talent from areas such as the North-East to be a part of the Indian diaspora of good singers, he adds.
However, the channel feels that some "vested interests are seeking to make political capital out of an innocuous comment made during the morning show, and which has been taken out of context. "
Point taken. We hope Tamang is listening.
Monday, October 01, 2007 16:48 IST