Uttar Pradesh's Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) Tuesday asked Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan to explain the basis of his claim that there was less crime in
Uttar Pradesh - his line from the TV commercial as part of the Samajwadi Party's election campaign earlier this year.
The notice was issued on a petition by Brij Bhushan Dubey, a resident of Ghazipur town in eastern Uttar Pradesh.
Dubey initially made a query to Bachchan in the actor's capacity as former member of the state's Development Council way back in March. He later filed a complaint to the
information commissioner. As there was no response from Bachchan, he appealed to the CIC last week.
Referring to Bachchan's assertion in the advertisement on TV channels as well as in print and on hoardings that his claim was based on a central government report, the
seven-point questionnaire submitted by the petitioner has sought to know from the actor the details of such a report.
Besides asking Bachchan to submit a copy of the official report that he was citing, the petitioner has also sought to know the remuneration the star received from the state
government for doing that commercial.
Through a notice issued to the star, whose proximity to the Samajwadi Party supreme Mulkayam Singh Yadav and general secretary Amar Singh was no secret, the CIC
has sought his reply. Failing that, Bachchan has been asked to make a personal appearance before the CIC on Oct 15.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007 13:33 IST