A little-known English-language film featuring Shernaaz Patel and Naseeruddin Shah's son Imaad, has Boman Irani excited in a very reverent way."Though it's titled Being
Zizou it isn't a football film like Goal..."
He ponders, and then he says, "I do hope Goal works. We've all worked so hard on it. It's not just a sports film. But a very rugged film."
Boman is all set to work in Raju Hiran i's third Munnabhai film.
"It's set in the US and they won't get their visas if they don't take me."
This time around Boman plays an entirely different character."While Munnabhai and Circuit remain the same in every film, my character gets to be a different person each
time. What fun."
In Harry Baweja's Love Story 2050 Boman Irani has been cast as a scientist who invents the time machine.
"Harman Baweja is an unbelievable dancer. And his affability quotient is very high."
Boman is also playing the lead in writer-turned-director Sooni Taraporewallah's Little Zizou."It's an English-language film. And Sooni who's written many of Mira Nair's film is
a darling woman.
Though it revolves around the Parsi community and I do play a Parsi, I haven't come across any character like the one I play in Little
Boman has played a Parsi before."I played an atrocious humanbeing in Homi Adjani's Being Cyrus. Comparatively this time I'm on morally correct ground. My character
dances, laughs has fun and shares his happiness with others."
Boman has become picky."But I can't say no to some people. And I'm willing to do an occasional bad film for someone I love and respect. Kabhi kabhi phisal jaata hoon. But
that's ok."
Thursday, October 04, 2007 14:52 IST