Despite the "Aag" debacle, Ram Gopal Verma is still one of the most respected directors in Bollywood. But his bouts of unreasonable behaviour have irked some unit members of his latest film "Go".
A member of the unit said on condition of anonymity: "Ram Gopal Verma used to arrive on the sets late. Then he would say that he wanted to discuss a few things with leading lady Nisha Kothari.
The two would enter Nisha's make-up van and come out only after 2-3 hours. This happened for 4 to 5 consecutive days, resulting in a delay in shooting of the climax of the movie by four days."
The delay used to disturb everybody on the sets as all preparations had to be kept on hold for hours. Each delay would add to the previous day's delay and put more and more pressure on the cast and crew of the film, which has newcomer Gautam Gupta opposite Nisha.
The source added: "Every time RGV used to disappear into Nisha's make-up van, things would get worse outside as Gautam and the rest of the unit members would be ready for the shot.
Reportedly, Ramuji and Nisha's parleys haunted their shoot at Goa too. "Everybody had then dismissed it as a one-time incident which won't recur. But then it did, not once, but many times," the source lamented.
Nisha has been one of Ram Gopal Verma's favourite heroines. Rumours were also doing the rounds that Verma is picking and dropping Nisha home a bit too often. What's cooking between the mentor and his discovery?
-Anju Gupta
Monday, October 08, 2007 13:10 IST