Bollywood actress Vidya Balan Tuesday unveiled a jewellery collection in the capital, but ironically said she wasn't too fond of wearing jewellery, specially during shoots.
"I am not a jewellery person, as I am not as fond of it. I like simple and understated jewellery because (otherwise) it is really cumbersome while you are shooting," Vidya told.
"However, on special occasions like marriages and festivals, I love sporting jewellery like any other woman," she remarked.
The actress was in town to celebrate the launch of luxury jewellery brand Mirari's first boutique, and also to unveil its fall-winter 2007-08 collection.
Vidya looked pretty in a black mermaid skirt, a white hemline sash and a boat neck top, teamed with a pearl and diamond cluster necklace.
"Vidya is very feminine and goes well with our jewellery, which is very feminine too. There could have been no other better option than her," said Mira Jain, Mirari's head designer and CEO.
Mirari's new collection features four enchanting themes. Odyssey combines pearls with diamond clusters, while Thalassa is a shimmering delight of diamonds, sapphire and baroque pearls. Amara is a line inspired by peacock, and Plume is a classic line based on the brand's emblematic diamond wing.
The line offers necklaces, bracelets, brooches, bangles and earrings of varied styles.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 14:50 IST