South-Indian actress Padmapriya has lodged a complaint with Nadigar Sangam (South Indian Artistes Association) accusing director of her film "Mirugam" of slapping her in the face during a shoot.
The director was banned for one year by the film industry for after the meeting of Federation of Film Workers, Tamil Film Producers Council and South Indian Artistes Association.
The incident reportedly took place in between the 10th and 11th takes of a scene of the film in view of her co-stars and crew.
Padmapriya reportedly is also all set to make her Bollywood debut soon, opposite Siddharth of Rang De Basanti fame in Striker to be directed by Chandan Arora.
Now, since Samy can't deny the episode witnessed by so many people, he is trying to justify what he did. He has claimed that "in the 11th take her (Padmapriya's) mind was not there".
She allegedly used a swear word which infuriated the director. "I got angry and I beat her," Samy had reportedly said.
But then whatever was the actress doing all this while? Why didn't she complain before? Seems like the actress has old scores to settle with Samy.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 15:01 IST