When Shah Rukh Khan walks the ramp, he is bound to be the center of attention. But at a recently fashion event and party aimed to promote the "Om Shanti Om" clothing line in association with Shoppers Stop, it was
director Farah Khan's husband Shirish Kunder who was under the spotlight because of his flirtatious behavior.
At the beginning of the party, Shirish played a doting husband posing for snaps beside Farah, who is expecting triplets soon. Sources say as the evening progressed, Shirish, who has also edited "Om Shanti Om", got
very drunk and was spotted flirting with some women at the party.
Farah was so embarrassed that she promptly left the venue. But this did not deter Shirish. Sources say he continued fooling around, making
passes and even kissing a girl.
When Shirish found all the cameras trained on him, he quickly got in control. Being a straightforward and firebrand woman, Farah surely won't take her husband's behaviour lightly.
What is more shocking is
that Shirish has a reputation of a very faithful husband. Whatever made him hammer a gaping hole in his goodwill.
Thursday, October 18, 2007 14:11 IST