Luck has favoured Sanjay Dutt once again. The Special TADA court has asked Sanju to appear on October 24th instead of October 20th to receive a copy of the judgment against him, giving him four more days of
Dutt made most of it and held Mata Ki Chowki at his family home for family and friends.
Says Sanju, "My family believes a lot in Mata. Since Navratri was on, it was good to have a chowki during these days.
We observedd the nine days of Navratri very religiously."
We hear thart his girlfriend Manyata is at the helm of affairs at the actor's Pali Hill residence these days.
Until now, she was only managing the household but now Manyata has suddenly taken up the responsibility of refurbishing Sanju's house fully.
Needless to say, these changes did not go down well with Sanju's sister, Priya Dutt.
Friday, October 19, 2007 15:00 IST