Actor-director Rajat Kapoor is upbeat about his forthcoming film "Khoya Khoya Chand" where he plays a yesteryears' superstar. He says the film's story, though set in the
50s, is relevant even now because people essentially haven't changed over the years.
Rajat reveals that the movie, directed by Sudhir Mishra, is by and large "a love story". Set against the backdrop of the Hindi film industry of the 1950s, "Khoya Khoya
Chand" captures the love that blossoms between an actress and a writer-director. Soha Ali Khan and Shiney Ahuja play main leads.
"It's about Nikhat's (Soha) rise from a junior artist to a star and the various loves in her life. What is exciting about the film is that... it is set in the 50's and in the film
industry. So it has references to those songs, sets, music and performances.
"I think that was the golden era of the film industry. The very setting of the film makes it special. So for me it was very special to kind of live that time," Rajat told.
The actor feels that his character has relevance even in today's times.
"Prem Kumar is a superstar. He is a self-centred guy who is careful about his career. I think most stars are and maybe that's the reason why they are stars. He strategises
and looks at what is good for his career. Prem Kumar would use anybody to stay on the top!" he explained.
"See people have not changed - whether its in the 1950's or 2000, people are essentially the same. People look for love, compassion, emotional security and some material
comfort. Even today these needs haven't changed."
So does he see any similarity between him and his character?
"There is no similarity at all. I am so far removed from a superstar. Soha and Shiney are the real stars in the film, not I. I just play the superstar who has a lot of attitude, so
it was kind of funny.
"I think what is interesting about the film is that everyone has got shades of grey. Prem Kumar too has, but essentially he is not a bad guy. He doesn't mean any harm to
anybody. If he does a favour to any body, he looks for gratitude. He is somewhere very close to my father," Rajat said.
He also revealed that he wasn't Mishra's first choice for the part.
"I think my name was suggested by Saurabh Shukla. I don't think I was fitting in very well because Sudhir had somebody else in mind. He wanted to cast some unknown
face for the role. We did a couple of look tests. And then I suppose Sudhir saw something in me. I guess I matched the image in his mind."
But Rajat added that he enjoyed collaborating with the director because their sensibilities matched.
"This is the first time I worked with him, but I have known him for a very long time. By and large the kind of cinema one believes in is not very far from what Sudhir is making.
So it was good to be a part of the project where the sensibilities match or at least the belief in cinema is the same. And I got to know him better through this film. The
aesthetics match," he said.
Rajat shared a great rapport with actors Saurabh Shukla and Vinay Pathak too and says there wasn't a single boring moment on the sets.
"It was great to have Saurabh and Vinay. We didn't have a minute to get bored. There were times that we had to wait but we managed to have lots of fun. Saurabh kept
talking about his next script. So we never got bored."
Saturday, October 20, 2007 11:19 IST