Bollywood actor Preity Zinta today said the people of Meghalaya could prove as an ideal for the masses across the country regarding the social status they confer on the ''girl child'' and women in the society.
''I am impressed by Meghalaya's matrilineal society that holds its women in high regard. The entire country should learn from the North East about the social status it confers on the female children and women in the society,'' Ms Zinta said.
The Khasi-Jaintia and Garo tribesmen in the state follow a matrilineal system where lineage and inheritance are traced through women.
The Bollywood star is presently shooting in Shillong for the film ''Har Pal'' directed by Jhanu Barua.
The movie also features actors Shiney Ahuja and Dharmendra and the entire film crew has been camping in Shillong for the past ten days.
''I have been involved with the noble cause for women and working for their betterment,'' Ms Zinta told reporters after her shooting at the picturesque landscape at Laitlum village, about 17 km from here.
Ms Zinta said female foeticide and infanticide had become a social menace and she had been trying to create awareness and improve the social condition of women.
The Bollywood actor, who had visited the hill station when she was four, praised the landscape of Shillong, Cherrapunjee and other adjoining areas.
''I am amazed by the beautiful landscape of Shillong and I wonder why Bollywood films are not shot here,'' she said.
''So far they have been choosing Kashmir or Himachal Pradesh as shooting location whenever they required a picturesque location, but they should also look at Meghalaya because of its tourism potential,'' Ms Zinta asserted.
Sharing the same thoughts, Mr Dharmendra, who was also in the village, said Bollywood should make the North East and Shillong a permanent location for shooting films.
''Meghalaya has the potential and I feel Bollywood should shoot more frequently here because of its picturesque landscape, bountiful hills and cascading waterfalls,'' he said.
Thursday, November 01, 2007 14:59 IST