Popular Bollywood actor, lodged in Yerwada jail here following his conviction in the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts case, had visitors Wednesday: his friend Manyata and brother-in-law Kumar Gaurav.
The two visitors, who entered the jail at 11.55 a.m. and were with Sanjay Dutt till 12.20 p.m., chose not to speak to the waiting mediapersons.
This is Dutt's second stint at Yerwada. He surrendered before the TADA Court in Mumbai last week after receiving a copy of the judgement. He has been held guilty of possessing an AK-56 rifle ahead of the serial blasts that killed 257 people.
He was first taken to the Arthur Road jail in Mumbai, from where he was sent to Yerawada jail.
Dutt's lawyers are hopeful of getting a bail for him before Diwali, which falls on Nov 9.
Thursday, November 01, 2007 14:59 IST