While Ranbir & Sonam, the newest Kapoors on the horizon, danced to their film Saawariya's title track and delighted the Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa ...audiences, there was an admirer of Sonam who was watching her from among the audience.
No sooner the lady got an opportunity she ran across, grabbed Sonam and hugged her to the embarrassment of the anchor Mona Singh.
Yes, it was Mona's mom who simply could not resist her feelings and fondness for the young star. And if this was not enough the blushing Mona was told by Sonam that she loved Jassi Jaise... and is a great fan of the actress.
Ranbir on the other hand shyly whispered he is a great fan and admirer of beautiful Urmilla. Great moments...from one star to the other, it was admiration & adulation all the way.
Thursday, November 01, 2007 15:01 IST