Sanjit Bedi is all set to become the small screen Kabir Khan. In his new show, 'Jersey No. 10', he plays a cricket coach. His role as Shivi is similar to Shah Rukh Khan's role as Kabir Khan in 'Chak De India'. Like
Kabir, Shivi is forced to stay away from the game he loves.
"The approach to my character is totally different and very exciting," Sanjit clarifies, "This man lives his dreams and is a mature person who talks less."
Currently seen in 'Viruddh', Sanjit claims that he is as passionate about cricket as the next Indian.
However, portraying the anxieties and talking about technical aspects of the game is not easy for him. The
best part about this role is that Sanjit gets to play cricket on the pretext of work.
Friday, November 02, 2007 13:40 IST