Jeetu Sethi is a selfless Shilpa Shetty fan. He managed to get a hold of the actor's personal mobile number, and, instead of keeping it for himself, he leaked it on the internet, via mass mail, to all his friends. The mail comprises a picture of the actor, with the number written across it. Needless to say, given her recent popularity, the mail and the number have spread like wildfire.
Of course, Shilpa is very upset by the sudden flood of calls and sms. According to her publicist, Dale Bhagwagar, some call for a date, some call to hear her voice, some call to ask about her latest musical, and some just want to check if they have THE Shilpa Shetty.
Bhagwagar recently said, in an interview with the 'Stardust' magazine, that Shilpa's number is known to some eight people. Two weeks later, the number was all over the Internet.
"We have no clue how this person got hold of it, but such mischief is damaging and Shilpa is not the kind of person to take it lying down. We will be taking up the matter with the concerned authorities dealing with such white-collar offences," he said.
He added that this rather harrowing incident is a dampener at a time when Shilpa is touring, rather successfully, for her 'Miss Bollywood' musical.
Bhagwagar is going to file a complaint at the Cyber Crime Department of the Crime Branch at Crawford Market, Mumbai, on Monday evening, against Jeetu Sethi.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007 15:00 IST