Ashish Chowdhary was considered an average actor till 'Dhamaal'. After the release of the Indra Kumar movie, the actor's life has changed. His fans are now eagerly awaiting his next comedy, 'Rama Rama Kya Hain Drama'.
It is a little known fact that Ashish is not very pleased with the film, though. According to him, the film turned out quite differently from what he thought it would be.
"As a professional, I completed the shooting and the dubbing for the movie," says Ashish, "and I do not want to be associated with the film further. I do not want to speak about it."
He has also vowed never to work with anybody associated with 'Rama Rama Kya Hain Drama'. Does that mean he will never work with Amrita Arora, Neha Dhupia, and Rajpal Yadav? Please elaborate, Ashish, we are clueless about what went wrong.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007 15:37 IST