Bollywood legend Dev Anand said his life has been like a movie screenplay, which is why he has written his autobiography "Romancing with Life" in the same manner.
"My life has been like a screenplay... never a dull moment. That is why I have written the book like a screenplay. You will not find any dull page here," the 84-year-old star of classics like "Guide", "Jewel Thief" and
"Taxi Driver", who is here to promote the book, said at a press conference Thursday.
The biography was released by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in New Delhi, on the actor's 84th birthday Sep 26. Subsequently, it was launched in functions across the world in places like Stockholm, Frankfurt,
London, New Jersey, New York and Atlanta. Dubai is the actor's latest stopover.
"This book is not a biography nor is it any public relations exercise. It is an autobiography in the true sense of the term. You have to open up your life to write a book like this. When you read this, maybe you will get to
know a few things the world doesn't know about Dev Anand," he said.
Stating that the 438-page work is a candid and honest effort, the actor said, "Even my wife and children didn't know what I was writing about."
Asked if the book gave all details of his various romantic link-ups with well-known actresses, 'Dev Saab', as he is popularly known, said, "The title is "Romancing with Life". I have romanced with life. I have romanced
with sorrows, I have romanced with happiness. This is what the book is all about."
Inevitably, the question of 'What is the secret of your energy?' came up.
His reply: "Involvement! My involvement with work. When you stay involved, you stay excited."
This is the first time in his 60-year career that the star has come to this region.
"I don't know why (I have not come here before). I guess the occasion never came. Anyway, I am finally here. It is a beautiful place. The buildings, the roads... Dubai is amazing," he said.
The actor, who is working on a new film on police corruption and another English project set in Croatia, said that his autobiography would be translated into Hindi, Urdu and Bengali, among other languages,
simultaneously with the soft cover launch of the English version six months later.
"This book has not ended. I have not ended. The last chapter of this book is still going on," the evergreen star said.
Friday, November 16, 2007 13:08 IST