A joint team of Pune Police and Yerawada jail officials have searched the cells of convicts, including that of Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt to check on the use of drugs, mobile phones, weapons or objectionable material
by the inmates inside the prison.
The search operation was carried out on Wednesday covering 25 barracks of the prison, which houses around 2,500 convicts of various categories. The jail kitchen and the hospital wards also came under scrutiny to
detect presence of undesirable items, Prison Superintendent R Dhamne said.
The search did not yield any objectionable material in the jail premises and was of routine nature, carried out at the instance of prison authorities themselves, he said.
The surprise checks are conducted to ensure that the inmates, including women convicts, did not indulge in any irregularities and drug abuse.
Sanjay Dutt will also have one more unexpected visitor in jail very soon.
Pakistani fast bowler Shoaib Akhtar has expressed desire to meet Bolywood star Sanjay Dutt, who is in a jail in Pune.
Shoaib's agents in India have conveyed his desire to Dutt's sister Priya and are making arrangements for the meeting, media reports said.
Shoaib said that he was a big fan of Dutt and considers him a very good human being.
"He has a big fan following in Pakistan and I know of many families who are praying for his release," Shoaib said.
The maverick fast bowler said he had also purchased a special gift for Dutt but refused to say what it was.
"I want to give it to him if I get a chance to meet him in jail," he added.
Meanwhile, Sanju's bail plea is set to come for hearing in the Supreme Court on November 20.
Friday, November 16, 2007 13:36 IST