Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan and director Farah Khan Friday said "sorry" to Manoj Kumar for what he perceived as his humiliation in a scene in the recently-released
"Om Shanti Om". But the legendary actor is unmoved, trade sources said.
Manoj Kumar has not accepted the apology yet. "The two (Shah Rukh and Farah) will be required to do a lot more to convince him to forgive and forget," the trade sources
told Friday night.
The thespian had taken offence to a '70s scene in the film which shows a young Manoj Kumar (played by a double) being beaten by police constables outside a theatre
when he lands there for a premiere. The thespian had reportedly wanted to sue the filmmaker and Shah Rukh Khan for defamation and a deliberate attempt to humiliate
"I and Farah have apologised to Manoj-ji over phone and we will go to meet him personally as well," Shah Rukh Khan said at a specially convened press conference
"He (Manoj Kumar) was very sweet and said there was no need to apologise, 'you are like my children'. We even offered to remove the scene from the film if it hurt him so
much, but he said there was no need at all for that," said Farah.
Shah Rukh also said that the scene was not intended to hurt anyone.
"Any part of the film was not meant to demean anyone. But if he (Manoj) came on television and was so disturbed about it, we extend a heartfelt apology to him," he
Manoj had earlier stated that a junior artiste had told him that he had played his double in the film. According to Manoj, he had met Farah about two months back and told
her that if she wanted he would gladly appear in her film.
But she had said she only wanted a double to portray him in a '70s scene for a film premiere. Apparently,
the actor did not like seeing his double in the film.
However, Farah said she had informed the actor about using a double in the film.
"I had met him a few months back and told him that we were using his double in the film."
Commenting on what could have averted the controversy, Shah Rukh said: "Probably this wouldn't have happened if we would have invited him (Manoj Kumar)..."
Saturday, November 17, 2007 12:41 IST