Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan will inaugurate the 38th International Film Festival of India to be held here from November 23 to December 3.
Preparations are in full swing for the annual event, as Goa gears up to celebrate movies in the true spirit of world-class entertainment.
Speaking about the preparations for the event, Nandini Palival, CEO, Entertainment Society of Goa, said: "We are just fine-tuning all the systems and are trying to double check on everything. One day before the film
festival we will try to do the mock drill for the opening ceremony so we are very comfortably placed."
Unlike previous year, cine aficionados are likely to have a smooth entry to the venues this time, as the committee has made all arrangements for issuing tickets.
"Last year, there was such a mad rush for the tickets that there were some who were really frustrated and the movie buffs never got a chance to see the good movies, they were not issued the tickets," said Carol, IFFI
delegate for second year.
Ujwal Mishra, Deputy Inspector General of Police, Goa, said that this year they have paid attention to providing security during the entire festival.
"We don't envisage much of a security problem because most of it is being done indoors; the only outdoor functions are where singers who are going to sing in various places in Madgaon etc and other places we will
provide total security," said Mishra, adding that the Central Reserve Battalion would be there to give back up to the state police.
"Unlike last year, there is no specific threat perception this year; further IFFI is not being conducted on that grand scale," Mishra added.
There will be no entertainment programs in the 38th edition of the film festival, which will be a closed-door affair, restricting it to the registered 5000 delegates and the media.
Thursday, November 22, 2007 13:13 IST