Ekta Kapoor has another ace up her sleeve, named 'Kuchh Is Tara', a daily that will air on Sony Entertainment Television in the last week of the month. It has been touted as a modern love story of a young girl meeting
her Prince Charming, and the anti-love, cynical hate-guru.
Says the television czarina, "I have put my heart into this show. 'Kuchh Is Tara' will be counted as one of the best shows that I have made. It is a turning point in my career and is completely different from all my work
till date.
With this show I have broken all norms of daily soaps. There is no melodrama, no extended family and not too many twists. The story revolves around a happy family, lots of light moments, love and
sweet romance."
Albert Almeida, Executive Vice President and Business Head of the channel, states that Balaji Telefilms and Sony Entertainment Television have had some shows together in the past.
"We look forward to
creating the same magic all over again with this new show 'Kuchh Is Tara'. It is a modern day love story that will stand out among the daily saas bahu sagas. This show is bound to ignite the magic of love and romance
on television once again," he adds.
The show, which will air at 9 pm, Mondays to Thursdays, stars Aakashdeep Saighal, Sudha Chandran, Jayanti Bhatia, Rajendra Gupta, Vishal Singh and Dimple Jhangiani in the lead roles. The soap is produced by
Balaji Telefilms, and is directed by Ravindra Gautam.
Thursday, November 22, 2007 13:24 IST