On Saturday night Aishwarya's parents came together with the Bachchan family, minus Jaya, for a very special screening of Saawariya at Yashraj Films. Jaya was unable to attend as she was unwell.
Director Sanjay Leela Bhansali, his leading lady Sonam Kapoor were present for the occasion. But the film's leading man Ranbir Kapoor would have missed the chance to watch the film with the Bachchans because
he was at work. As luck would have it he was shooting in the same vicinity for Yashraj Films's next.
Ranbir rushed to the screeing just before it began.
Mr Bachchan who earlier during the evening attended the Indian Television Academy awards arrived on the dot, as usual.
While Abhishek and Aishawarya sat in one corner the film's nervous director Sanjay Bhansali could be seen huddled nervously with the Big B who couldn't take his eyes off the screen.
Mr Bachchan the next morning sent chocolates and a beautifully-worded letter to both Ranbir and Sonam.
"It's the most beautiful gift I've received in my life," gushes Sonam
"It's hard to believe the praise that Bachchan Saab has lavished on me.I don't deserve it," Ranbir gets emotional.
Monday, November 26, 2007 13:00 IST