Priya Dutt, the Congress MP and sister of film actor Sanjay Dutt, today said that no special preparations are being made for her brother's return from Pune's Yerwada jail after he was granted bail by the Supreme
Commenting minutes after Sanjay got bail in a case connected with the 1993 Mumbai blasts, Priya said, "A good homemade food and a good bed for him (Sanjay) to sleep are all he would be provided with, when he
returns home."
She said that her family's struggle would continue as Dutts have already filed a case in the Supreme Court challenging the special TADA court's verdict that convicted Sanjay for illegally possessing weapons and
awarded him six years of Rigorous Imprisonment under Arms Act.
Thanking God, people of the country and media for being supportive to them, Priya said that it would take three or more days for the legal formalities to complete before Sanjay is released from Pune's Yerwada jail on
Regarding her brother, who has been in the Pune jail since October 22 when he surrendered to the court after his interim bail came to an end, Priya said that Sanjay has been very brave and every family member gave
each other strength and courage.
She refused to say anything about the actor's future film assignment, saying that she is not involved with his professional commitments.
Sanjay's colleagues and few of his friends are expected to receive him at the Yerwada jail when he would be released.
He had spent 22 days at the same jail in August, before he received the interim bail by the Supreme Court on August 20.
Meanwhile, yesteryears' noted actress Saira Banu said that she had no words to express her happiness about hearing Sanjay's bail, and said that hopefully he would be able to celebrate New Year with his family
members and friends since he failed to get the bail before Diwali.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007 13:44 IST