Mahesh Bhatt and Shabana Azmi go back a long way. So when during a recording of Sahara One's reality show Jhoom India earlier this week,a couple of contestants including singer Sanjeevani were openly rude to her, Mahesh Bhatt couldn't take it any longer.
He got up and left the recording as a shocked Shabana tried to pacify the incensed movie maker.
Recounting the incident Mahesh says, "They weren't rude to me. But some of the contestants were rude to Shabana and our third and most senior jury member the music composer Anandji. The contestants were
implying that the jury is biased. I had to put my foot down. It was a family quarrel."
Even as the authenticity of such "family quarrels" on reality shows is being openly questioned by the naysayers, a source from Sahara stands by the authenticity of the above incident.
"Do you think senior
and respected judges like Mahesh Bhatt, Shabana and Anandji would fall in line with gimmicks and stunts ? Bhatt Saab walked out because he couldn't take his colleagues being insulted.
Some contestants like Shekhar Suman are openly rude to Anandjibhai. They probably feel he's a has-been. They forget he knows more about music than anyone else on the show.
Bhatt Saab couldn't take Anandjibhai being taunted. Also, Sanjeevani and the tv actress Chavi were being rude to Shabana."
Adds the intrepid Mahesh, "One of the pleasures of judging Jhoom India is that I get to work with my favourite actress Shabana again.
We had done my films Vishwasghat and Arth together many years ago
and never found the chance to work together again.
Now on Jhoom India it feels as though we had a long lunch break and are back on the sets once again. It's like coming home. "
Says Shabana, "Yes, Mahesh walked out. The singer Sanjeevani made some comments...And the composer Jatin got upset on behalf of the jury. "
Friday, November 30, 2007 14:03 IST