Cash' director Anubhav Sinha is going to work like Ram Gopal Verma, Yash Chopra, Subhash Ghai and Rakesh Roshan now. He has produced a film which he is not directing himself. The movie ‘Kabootar' has his long time associate Maqbool Khan at the helm.
Reportedly the film has a unique background and will talk about the rustic background of sharp shooters from Rajasthan. It deals with youngsters and introduces new face Harsh (who used to be a child artiste in the TV shows ‘Just Mohabbat' some nine years back) and has another youngster Vishal Thakkar who usually does character roles.
Great pains were taken to make these youngsters get into the skin of their characters.
Actor Atul Mathur who also stars in the film worked as the language coach of the actors. He says, "The director was trying to make them speak the dialect which is used in the border of MP and Rajasthan but was not able to do so.
When he learnt that I have spent many years of my life there, he asked me to do the honors. I gladly obliged and then trained them for 15/20 days. They then spoke with the right accent."
The actor has high praises for the director Maqbool Khan too. "He is very talented. He remains cool even when there is pressure. He will go places"
Well if all goes well, this venture of Anubhav Sinha will surely rock.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007 11:12 IST