Already India's most popular actor, Amitabh Bachchan is set to win a whole new set of fans as he takes on his first children's film, a newspaper reported on Tuesday.
Bachchan, a Bollywood icon who has starred in more than 150 films, told the Times of India newspaper that he was playing a modern-day genie in a Bollywood adaptation of "Aladdin.''
And the distinguished, silver-haired actor was enjoying the new role.
"Shooting Aladdin is fun,'' Bachchan told the newspaper. "I get to sing as many as three songs, dance and whoop it up.''
He said he played "the genie, more as a modern dude than a costumed anachronism.''
Director Sujoy Ghosh described "Aladdin'' as Bachchan's first full-fledged film for children. "Grown-ups are welcome. But my film is designed as Mr. Bachchan's gift to his young fans.''
The film is set for release late next year.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007 13:32 IST