Bollywood actor Rani Mukerji may have to pay Rs.2.1 million to local authorities for the controversial plot of land she has bought near Shirdi in Maharashtra, officials said Tuesday.
"An inquiry over the illegal transaction and cancellation of the previous revenue records were made today," Ahmed Nagar Sub-Divisional Magistrate Nandkumar Suryavanshi told over telephone.
The star's private secretary and her lawyer Tuesday attended the first hearing of the case related to the land deal in the Sub-Divisional Magistrate's office at Ahmed Nagar.
Suryavanshi further stated that, according to Section 29 of the Land Ceiling Act, Mukerji will have to pay 75 percent of the market value of the land to the government. Thus, she will have to pay Rs. 2.1 million.
Mukerji had bought 11 guntas of land in 2005 from an agent, Sampat More. The property comes under the category of a new tenure land, which can be bought only with the permission from a competent authority of the
More had not registered the property in his name when he bought it in the 1980s and sold it to the actor who purchased it without verifying the documents, landing in trouble.
The district authority has not chosen not to transfer the land in her name till the inquiry is completed.
Mukerji has been summoned on Dec 31 for the second hearing. The final hearing and the judgement will be given by the divisional commissioner later.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007 13:42 IST