Sid Makkar, better known as Satyakaam from 'Ghar Ki Lakshmi Betiyaan', will now be seen as Shankar in 'Mere Apne', on 9X. While Satyakam was an introvert, Shankar is the rugged and action-oriented type.
Shankar is also a spoilt brat, while Satyakam was strong and sincere. Sid sports a new, unconventional look as Shankar, at least for television – a beard and long hair.
Sid is very excited about the show. He says, "The role is very uninhibited and something very different from what I have done so far.
And the journey from Satyakam of 'Betiyan' to Shankar of 'Mere Apne' is
one rollercoaster ride. The response also has been tremendous. "
A change is always a good thing, we say.
Thursday, December 06, 2007 11:21 IST