'Kabul Express', a bollywood film that tells the story of two Indian scribes in Afghanistan has won awards and acclaim at the 'Asian Festival of First Films".
The film, directed by Kabir Khan, has bagged awards in the best director and critics choice award categories at the Third AFFF, a release said here on Thursday.
Held in Singapore, the only festival of its kind, AFFF honours debutantes and celebrates excellence of '1st time' producers, directors, writers, cinematographers, actors and documentary makers from the Asia-Pacific diaspora.
The critics choice award called the Foreign Correspondents Association People Orchid Award was voted by the mediapersons from 33 countries.
The festival in its jury had film aficionados from across the globe including Uma da Cunha (India), Carol Haslam (UK), Gordon Chan (Hong Kong), and Peggy Chiao (Taiwan).
The six day event screened 11 nominated feature films and 10 documentaries for nine category awards.
The film which released in December 2006 worldwide to critical acclaim follows an Indian reporter and his cameraman on a road trip in Afghanistan and reflects "commonalities in a country beset by differences".
Starring John Abraham and Arshad Warsi from India, American actress Linda Arsenio, Pakistani actor Salman Shaid and Afghan actor Hanif Hum Ghun, the film is based on the personal experiences of director Kabir Khan while shooting documentary films in the post-Taliban Afghanistan.
Friday, December 07, 2007 13:54 IST