It may be recalled that Anil Kapoor and Feroz Khan are reuniting on the silver screen in "Welcome" after 21 years. Anil and Nana Patekar also rekindled their erstwhile camarederie of "Parinda" 19 years back on the
sets of the film.
Together, the two decided to surprise Feroz Khan, the seniormost actor in the unit of "Welcome", by booking him The Grand Suite at the Hyatt in Dubai. The suite is meant to be the poshest and most expensive in the
hotel and overlooks the historic creek and parklands.
The senior Khan, extremely touched by their gesture, invited the entire unit of the film, including Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif, to his suite for drinks and merry-making the night before the shoot kicked off.
The family vibe on the sets most certainly appears to have translated into the film's sparkling promos!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 12:50 IST