Shah Rukh Khan has been roped in by Vijay Mallaya as the face of Team Force India for coming 2008 Formula 1 season.
A high-decibel multi-media campaign featuring SRK will be unleashed from December 26, aimed at garnering the support of the Indian masses for the team next season. And the icing on the cake is that SRK will not
charge any money for lending his face to the team.
Though the content of the campaign remains a guarded secret, the underlying message of the media blitz will be that Force India is a team powered by 'a billion hearts and souls'.
"While exploring various
options, we thought the fastest way to announce our arrival in the country is to use Shah Rukh Khan as the team's brand ambassador. He is famous, successful and the most potent icon of young and confident India.
Those are the same values that the team is trying to project on the biggest stage of motorsports. The advertising campaign will convey the message that India has arrived," said Vikram Malhotra, marketing
head of Force India.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 11:59 IST