As 'The Return of Hanuman', the first animation sequel, hits theatres on Friday director Anurag Kashyap promises to bring a new phase of animated movies.
'The Return of Hanuman' is set in modern day India and this time Hanuman has returned to the earth in a new avatar 'Maruti', who is a school boy with a mission to save the world from the evil doers.
Hanuman being the original super hero of India, the movie promises an all out fun for the kids who loved the previous 'Hanuman'.
It is full with the funny antics of a kid which involves action, comedy and drama.
Having a reputation for making dark and serious cinema, Kashyap's tryst with his first light hearted children animation movie was not easy, says the director.
"For me it was a great learning experience, I made so many mistakes while working on the movie but fortunately had the chance to correct them," Anurag Kashyap told.
The movie has inspired the director and has opened a all new field of creativity, "Hanuman was a wonderful and enriching experience. I am planning to make another animation movie which will be entertaining for both
children and adults," says Kashyap.
The director, who has also written the dialogues of the movie said "my inspiration behind writing and directing the movie was my daughter Aliya. The movie is dedicated to her."
Friday, December 28, 2007 12:52 IST