Shilpa has also signed her first bollywood film after Big Brother back home. The film titled 'The Man' will be produced by Sunny Deol and has been written by Neeraj Pathak. In the film Shilpa plays a star who suddenly
shoots to international fame.
A source associated with the project says: "Shilpa's character in the film seems to be derived from her real persona. She plays a woman who suddenly shoots to international
fame. In a way, the role is very biographical."
Reports also have it that the film's co-director, Neeraj, has decided to use in the movie the real footage of Shilpa's experience in London after she won the Big
Brother show last year.
‘The Man' is set to go on the floors in the first quarter of 2008.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 11:50 IST