Yesteryear Bollywood actors Shammi Kapoor and Sharmila Tagore were honoured with the lifetime achievement award at the Sixth Pune International Film Festival (PIFF), last evening.
Sharmila, who has an illustrious five-decade long career behind her, said the award is also an honour to the people she worked with. "Collective effort is what makes us. So, I want to thank everyone who has been on that journey with me and who has made me what I am today. Thank you very much," she said.
Shammi, who has carried forward the legacy of his father Prithviraj Kapoor, said, "I feel very honoured that you have given me this award. I feel very privileged because coming here to Pune itself has always been a pleasure," said.
The Pune film festival, which saw several Bollywood actors and film fraternity in attendance, began on Thursday.
It's a week-long event showcasing around 170 films from 40 countries.
As many as 15 films in various Indian languages will be showcased in the 'Indian panorama' section in addition to six "Best of Mainstream Hindi Cinema" of 2007.
Saturday, January 12, 2008 12:02 IST