Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who is well known for his acting talent and 'paparazzied' love life, will exhibit his guitar playing skills with the country's premier rock band ''Parikrama'' at a concert here tomorrow.
''I am an actor who likes to play music on stage. It is a hobby for me and the band makes me sound good,'' said Saif Ali Khan, who will be playing about 10 rock songs by AC/DC, Deep Purple and the Doors, to the
city's rock fans at Andheri Sports Complex.
He was excited and not nervous about the upcoming show in his hometown. ''It is the feeling, I get before a shoot,''Saif said.
Though trained in classical piano, Saif has impressed band members of ''Parikrama'' with his playing skills while jamming to classic rock and Blues songs.
''It would be great to get back on stage with him. Saif is committed to music despite his busy schedule,'' Parikrama Subhir Malik, a band member said.
Talking about his initiation to rock music, Saif said, ''I fell in love with the guitar and rock music when I heard a senior in school, playing Deep Purple's Black Night, where we also formed a group. It was really bad, but
managed to play for the school dances.''
However, the star had no intention of living up to the 'Rock star' image. ''The image of a rock star conjours images that may not be conducive for my health and well
Refusing to talk about other issues, he said he would rather stick to acting as his main profession and would also choose to become game warden than musician, as there were already too many great musicians of
every genre in the country.
He will also tour with 'Parikrama' for shows at Calcutta and New Delhi.
Monday, January 21, 2008 16:05 IST