Recently Om Puri acted in a Punjabi film "Yaariyan" featuring Gurdaas Maan, Bhoomika Chawla and Gulshan Grover. He has been featuring in Punjabi films from the start of his career. This national award winning
actor has shown his versatility by acting in all genres of films and in different languages.
The high point in his career is that he has also been working in mainstream Hollywood projects, the recent one being 'Charlie Wilson's War' that stars Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts. He is playing the character of Zia Ul
Haq in the film.
When we met him at the premiere of 'Yaariyan' and asked about the film then he said this film is about three friends in Canada who want to earn money, but get in the wrong path.
When they fail one friend
realizes and understands that he should follow the right path and work hard. He decides to go back and work in Punjab, the other two follows him.
Talking about his character he said, "I am playing an honest businessman who has earned a lot of money but is firm in his principles. Bhoomika Chawla is like a daughter to him as he has taken care of her after her
father who happened to be his best friend died."
On the environment while shooting, he says since it is a Punjabi film the whole environment was Punjabi and the food was also Punjabi.
He happily says "Parathas started right from the morning. The whole
environment was like we were attending some marriage. We enjoyed a lot while shooting."
He says that music is the soul of the film and this film and the music has been popular with the Punjabi music
lovers. When we asked about the USP of the film he said, "The USP of the film is that the film is good."
-Sonu Anand
Monday, January 28, 2008 13:06 IST