Besides a proposed girls college in Uttar Pradesh, Samajwadi Party general secretary Amar Singh's new home in Lucknow too has been named after Bollywood actress and his friend Amitabh Bachchan's daughter-in-
law Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.
This came to light when Singh took the Bachchan family to his recently built plush bungalow in the Uttar Pradesh capital's upmarket Vipul Khand of Gomati Nagar on Saturday night.
Amitabh Bachchan and his entire family were driven from the Lucknow airport straight to Aishwarya, where they had dinner and spent the night.
When a reporter confronted Singh with a query about the name of the house, he shot back, "Abhishek is like a son to me and Aishwarya my daughter-in-law, so what if I have named my house after her and what if I
decide to even gift this house to her?"
He went on to add: "You should know that Aishwarya is also another name for Goddess Lakshmi."
Monday, January 28, 2008 13:33 IST