After Saawriya, Ranbir Kapoor is now working for his second film to be directed by Siddharth Anand. In this yet to be titled movie, Ranbir appears in three different get ups, including a teenager, a 28-year-old and finally
a 35-year-old youth.
Ranbir Kapoor is 25 years now and hence the second get up of age 28 would be relatively easy for him. Now it remains to be seen how this young Kapoor scion handles the roles of the teenager and a mature man of
35 years.
It has been learnt that Bipasha Basu will be playing one of the lead roles in this film. Recently, Ranbir and Bipasha took a day off for a photo-session to check their on-screen compatibility.
While Bipasha had
colored her hair, the newcomer had cut his long tresses. For the younger role of the hero depicting the age of 17 Ranbir intends to sport long hair and a beatnik cool-dude attitude, with clothes and accessories to
Ranbir also plans to sport stubble to look 35.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008 11:41 IST